Veit's Blog

Hej! đź‘‹ Welcome to my curated space of insights on software development and the tapestry of life.

Node.js and Postgres

This tutorial shows how to create a simple web server with a tiny REST “API” and a PostgreSQL database. I asume that you have installed the node.js platform and npm. I’m going to use the node-postgres client to connect to the PostgreSQL database. The installation is easily done with npm. npm install pg. Continue reading

TypeScript and jQuery

If you want to use an existing JavaScript library with TypeScript you need some kind of header file. This file, called definition file, contains type informations about the JavaScript library and enables the TypeScript developer to use the library objects like they where TypeScript objects. You can either write your own (I will write a blog post about that in the near future) or take advantage of TSD, a manager for TypeScript definition files based on the GitHub repository Definitely Typed. Continue reading

Why Java Developers might love TypeScript

I’ve met a lot of Java developers that don’t like JavaScript. Weak typing, inequality of equality, the scope of variables et cetera. I encourage them not to use only plain JavaScript. AngularJS and jQuery for example brings the best out of JavaScript. But I particulary understand their skepticism. The last days I was playing around with TypeScript and it seems I really love it. TypeScript feels like JavaScript made right (and thats no wonder, because it was designed by the guy behind Turbo Pascal, Delphi and C#). Continue reading

Fun with

I’m writing a little app to check the health status of my server and came accross a confusing feature in I remembered I struggle with this behaviour when I came from C# to Java. So this might be helpful for Java newbies. Continue reading

Syntax Highlightning in Ghost

Dieses Blog läuft auf der Blogging Plattform Ghost. Statt HTML oder einem Rich Editor der HTML erzeugt, werden die Artikel in Markdown geschrieben. Markdown ist eine einfache Auszeichnungssprache, welche sich vor allem in der Welt der Softwareentwickler verbreitet hat. Was mir bei der Kombination Ghost + Markdown gefehlt hat, war eine einfache Methode Syntax Highlightning einzubinden. Doch diese Funktionalität lässt sich ohne groĂźen Aufwand nachrĂĽsten. Es gibt einige Möglichkeiten…ich habe mich fĂĽr prism. Continue reading
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