Guava Joiner Class
Although I’m a long time user of Google Guava I discovered the class Joiner
just a few days ago. Eventually everybody who’s familiar with Googles Apache Commons alternative have heard about it, but I like to show the usage for those who didn’t know yet.
Given the following list:
List<String> nameList = Lists.newArrayList("Solo", "Kenobi", "Skywalker", "Yoda");
String delimiter = ",";
You usually would do the following to join the items in one string:
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for(String name: nameList){
if(name != null)
result.setLength(result.length() - delimiter.length());
return result.toString();
return Joiner.on(delimiter).join(nameList);
There are a lot more overloaded variants of the method on
. Also have a look at the class Splitter
BTW: With streams it’s simple too: