Veit's Blog

Hej! đź‘‹ Welcome to my curated space of insights on software development and the tapestry of life.

Write your own TypeScript definition files

Last Year I wrote a blog post about TypeScript and jQuery. I introduced TSD, a manager for TypeScript definition files. TSD, or Typings as TSD is deprecated now, contains nearly thousand definition files. But what if you want to use your own library or a library that has no definition file yet? You could write it yourself. It’s not that hard. I will show you an really simple example. I created a new Angular 2. Continue reading

Guavas MultiMap FTW

I often have the need for some kind of “grouped list”. I have a key and a list of values. For example I have a database table with two columns. The first column is the key and the second column is the value. I want to read the table and return a Map with the key as the key and a list of values as the value. Continue reading

Guava Joiner Class

Although I’m a long time user of Google Guava I discovered the class Joiner just a few days ago. Eventually everybody who’s familiar with Googles Apache Commons alternative have heard about it, but I like to show the usage for those who didn’t know yet. Continue reading
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